Winner - Sunday Times Travel Competition, June, 2022
This image, of two colourful balloons taking off from Ashton Court, taken at the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta, won the Sunday Times Travel photography competition on the 5th June

Silver Medal - Royal Photographic Society Travel Competition, 2021
This photograph of life, in its broadest sense, taking place in the Niza cattle market in Oman has won the Silver Medal in the RPS’s 2021 Travel competition.
It was taken in the Nizwa cattle & goat market, which is held every Friday morning. So long as one keeps out of the way, it’s possible to get quite close to the ‘action’ - in this instance a bit more going on than normal.

Winner - Sunday Times Travel Competition, Dec 2020
This photograph of a puffin, with its beak full of sand eels, was taken on Grimsey Island, a 15 minute boat ride away from Drangsnes, in the West fjords region of Iceland.
It’s not really a ‘travel’ image - which generally shows a sense of place however wildlife images seem to do particularly well in this competition and so I took the ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’ approach.

Photography in….Iceland
A two week self-drive trip around Iceland’s Ring-Road, but also taking in the Western Fjords - as seen from a photographer’s perspective.